Crest Hill is set to raise water and sewer rates substantially. Overall revenue will increase by over 50%.
I recognize that Crest Hill's rates are currently very low and do not oppose raising rates if necessary. However, the city has not done an actual rate study. They merely projected how much they would take in if rates were raised and called that a rate study.
A real rate study would look at capital structure, operation costs, depreciation, and rate of return on the money that has been invested into the city utilities over the years. Other cities run their utilities as efficient businesses, but Crest Hill refuses to. They prefer to just raise rates arbitrarily. Instead, of creating a multi-year capital plan, they are just going to collect a lot of money and then spend it.
The State of Illinois would not allow an investor owned utility to raise rates without a formal rate study and would not allow it to operate under the logic of spend money and then raise rates randomly when more money is needed. It is time for the city to begin running the water and sewer utilities as businesses and begin to focus on efficiency can controlling costs.