This plan should include lists of projects to be completed each year for the next 10 to 20 years, both new infrastructure as well as major improvements to existing infrastructure. Also the source of funding for these projects should be identified for each year. This type of plan allows the city to balance its expected revenue against its expected needs and then plan the work over a longer time frame. Major maintenance items are budgeted for so that they are not surprise costs when things break down from age and potential shortfalls are known about years in advance.
Most cities have these types of plans for all capital spending, such as roads, buildings, water systems, storm and sanitary sewers, and even vehicles. They are valuable tools for ensuring the long term financial health of a city and the most efficient use of city funds through planning. I do not expect that Crest Hill implement Capital Improvement Plans for all aspects of the city immediately, although it would be a good thing and should have been in place already. I do feel though that after putting in place steep rate increases on top of automatic annual increases, that exceed inflation, they should have such a plan for the water and sewer systems. Continuing to use pay-as-you-go does not serve the best interests of the citizens of Crest Hill.
We deserve better, we deserve well planned improvements to bring our water and sewer systems, we deserve to have our money used wisely and efficiently. I just want to know when we will get what we deserve. I want a plan that is more than just raising our rates. I want a plan that is fixing our problems and letting everyone know what our money is being used for.