The change in the feel of the meeting was what most stood out to me. All Council members voiced their thoughts without attacking each other or taking sides. In fact at times it was hard to figure out exactly where people stood on issues. That is healthy though because it was a result of their asking questions and putting forth ideas of future consideration. I am happy to see Council members not making up their minds at work sessions. Where Mayor Soliman turned to myself and the other citizen in the audience and asked our opinions, I must admit I was absolutely shocked. Few mayors would take such a step, but it definitely showed Mayor Soliman's commitment to inclusiveness. I do not know if he will be able to do this every time, but hopefully it is a practice that will continue at least of issues of particular importance.
The issues discussed were of great importance tonight and deserve to be addressed in depth individually. Some of the items of discussion were a possible sales tax increase, appointment of a Police Chief, other mayoral appointments, city signs, City Hall modifications, and the long range plans for Public Works and City Hall.